Ricky Carmichael has joined forces with Y-AIM to present the Ricky Carmichael University to Australian Motocross riders.
By Hayden Gregory

Following on from his appearance at the AUS-X Open, Carmichael will now start the process of running his University program out of Appin and Coolum. Joined by legends Jeff Emig and Jeff Stanton, the Goat will be assisted by Y-Aim coaches Shane Booth and Chris Urqhart
“It’s great to be involved with such legends. There are well over 20 AMA National Championships between them so the amount of knowledge and experience that will be on hand is pretty special,” explains Booth.
“This is something that Chris and I are really proud to be part of and it’s such a great chance for Australian riders to meet some legends of our sport and learn as much as possible from them. It will be great to work alongside these guys and be able to add even more experience to our Yamaha Australian Institute of Motocross courses in 2016. It’s also great that we can represent Yamaha on our YZ450Fs at such a high profile event,” he continues.
Chris Urquhart goes into more detail about what the day entails: “All of the instructors are on bikes and riding during the day so you not only get to learn from these guys but also ride with them. The group rotates throughout the day so all riders will spend some time with all instructors. There is also a Q&A session at lunchtime where riders are encouraged to prepare questions for the guys.
There is also a catered lunch included in the course. It’s a real experience for the riders and they get to be part of a very cool event.”
RCU has been running for several years in the states but this is the first time it has been bought down under. With the first Appin course selling out within a few days, a second was soon announced for the 3rd of December. At this stage tickets are still available and you can register at www.rickycarmichaeluniversity.com.