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Beta's Ruben Chadwick

Beta press release: The weekend saw the 2023 Australian Hard Enduro Champion Ruben Chadwick and Ebony Nielsen head to Hillston, NSW, for the final round of the 2024 AHEC season. The ‘HillStorm Challenge’ saw a different format for the final round, with 230 riders racing in a single point-to-point race on Saturday with a 6-hour time limit, offering extra championship points.

The track featured sandy, loamy single tracks and washed-out creeks at the beginning, becoming more challenging as riders progressed through the checkpoints, with only 50 riders completing the race. Ruben Chadwick remained calm and collected, purposely staying close behind the lead rider for the first few hours, patiently applying pressure and waiting for the right time to make a pass. Later in the race, Chadwick made a pass in a tight, rocky section and took the lead. Ruben continued to push hard throughout the remainder of the race, which consisted of loose rocks and rock slabs but with plenty of grip aboard his RR 300 Racing. Ruben was able to continue the momentum, digging deep right through to the checkered flag and securing the round win with a comfortable lead after 3 hours and 20 minutes on the bike.

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Ruben Chadwick

“I’ve been putting in a lot of work since round three, and felt relaxed coming into the final race,” said Ruben. “The body and bike felt great and it was good to come away with the win for the final round of the championship. A big thank you to my sponsors for your support throughout the year”

Ebony is the only female rider competing in the mixed-silver class and came into the final round in 17th place. Riding aboard her RR 300 Racing, she rode great all day, competing with the riders and the tough conditions throughout the long race. Nielsen completed the race in 40th place outright and finished the championship in 19th place in the mixed-silver class. She is the lead female rider in the championship.

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Ebony Nielsen

We’d like to make a special mention to Alex Dunlea, who, at just 14 years old, dominated every race in the Junior class and took home the junior championship for 2024 aboard his RR 200 Racing. Also a special mention to Timon Wegner for a great season in the silver class, taking out the silver championship for 2024 aboard his RR 300 Racing.

Chadwick returns to the track on November 10th to defend his title at the 2024 Wildwood Rock Extreme. Nielsen will now head to South Australia for RD9 & 10 of the Australian Off-Road Championship, where she is currently in third place in the EW class.

Photos: OK Photo