Final Instructions: Amcross Rnd 5 Canberra
Sign on and Scrutineering: 6:45 am to 8:15am both days:
- Riders Brief: 8.40am
- Practise: 9am
- At sign on please present your current licence, Logbooks for juniors
- TRANSPONDERS: All transponders are to be mounted onto the right-hand side of your bike.
- Day License – They must be obtained through Ridernet.
- Juniors must supply their logbook with all current / relevant information.
- Seniors must supply their test papers or expired license.
- All competitors/ guardians MUST marshal or participate in any other rostered duty or supply a person to marshal for them (Roster will be provided at sign on).
- Please ensure your name is on the riders list on the Amcross website and if there are any discrepancies please inform the Nichole Gibb on 0437 941 926 as soon as possible.
Track Location: 1570 Tidbinbilla Road Tharwa
- This round is being held at “Billa Springs” which is located at Tharwa ACT.
- Donation to the Tharwa Rural Fire Brigade (collected each day)
- Camping will be set out by the landowner and you are only permitted into this area at all times.
- There is no power at the track, generators permitted, but must be turned off by 10pm.
- Full Canteen available for breakfast and lunch.
- Please use rubbish bins/ skips provided. We will provide each rider with a rubbish bag to make it easy for all.
- Please be aware that there is no smoking and appropriate footwear must be worn in the pit paddock/ camping area during practise & racing, as it is considered to be the official pit area. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
- Fires are NOT permitted due to the current dry conditions and the high fire danger been brought forward to the 1st September 2019.
- No DOGS PERMITTED – Please also advise any friends that are coming to spectate also that they are not allowed to bring dogs and if people will be removed from the property if this rule is broken
NO bikes are to be started until 9am due to our strict EPA guidelines.
Unauthorised entry prohibited Or Prohibited Areas
We expect all riders and their families to not enter unauthorised or prohibited areas during the event.