1. Thou shalt not require a truck to be competitive at thy races, thy vehicle that your bike is wheeled out of in the morning at the track changes nothing.
2. Thou shalt not remove thy helmet with goggles still fitted.
3. Thy racer must realise that ass scrubbing every jump whilst in 23rd position does not make you cool.
4. Thou shalt not get any holeshots starting in neutral.
5. Honour thy sponsors as racing costs a #@%*load.
6. Thou shalt not convince your competition you are fit by taking selfies at thy gym or during your one and only training session.
7. Thou shalt realise that generally, a motorcycle sponsor is more valuable than a head phone sponsor.
8. Thou shalt not try to load a bike in another man’s vehicle. It will never, that’s right never, tie in the correct way.
9. Thy racer must realise that if they committed half as much to setting their bike up as they do to social media, their results may improve.
10. Thou shalt not make fun of enduro racers or bikes with headlights, because most of those guy’s will come to your local track and hand you your ass on a platter.