Kade Mosig has received a six-year sanction for 19 violations of Motorcycling Australia’s (MA) anti-doping policy.
Mr Mosig tested positive to the prohibited substances exogenous 19-norandrosterone and 19-noretiocholanolone and D-amphetamine following a doping control test conducted by the Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority on May 27, 2018 at the MX Nationals in Murray Bridge, South Australia.
Motorcycling Australia imposed a mandatory provisional suspension on Mr Mosig on July 10, 2018, and his sanction has been backdated to take account time he has already served.
This means Mr Mosig is ineligible to participate, as an athlete or support person (including coaching or officiating) until he has completed his six-year sanction. The ban includes using Member facilities.
In addition to the six-year sanction all competitive results for Mr Mosig from December 9, 2013 onwards will be removed from records.
Mr Mosig will be eligible to recommence participation in the sport from July 10, 2024.

Mr Mosig in a statement said: “I accept the sanction imposed on me understanding I have made some poor decisions in the past”.
“I want to apologise to my family, friends, competitors, supporters and my sponsors.
“Regrettably I will be moving on from racing professionally and will be making no further comment on this matter”

In addition to the AAF the Athlete committed violations of:
- Use of Nandrolone, Norandrostenedione or Norandrostenediol on and/or before 27 May 2018;
- Attempted Use of IGF-1 and/or CJC-1295 on and/or after 11 January 2014;
- Possession of IGF-1 and/or CJC-1295 on and/or after 11 January 2014;
- Trafficking and/or Attempted Trafficking of IGF-1 and/or CJC-1295 on or about 11 January 2014;
- Attempted Use of Clenbuterol on or about 9 December 2013 to on or about 21 February 2014;
- Possession of Clenbuterol on or about 9 December 2013 to on or about 21 February 2014;
- Attempted Use of Clenbuterol and/or Testosterone on or about 15 December 2014;
- Possession of Clenbuterol and/or Testosterone on or about 15 December 2014;
- Trafficking and/or Attempted Trafficking of Growth Hormone on and/or after 15 December 2014;
- Use and/or Attempted Use of Growth Hormone on or about 1 January 2014 to on or about 31 December 2015;
- Possession of Growth Hormone on or about 1 January 2014 to on or about 31 December 2015;
- Trafficking and/or Attempted Trafficking of Clenbuterol on or about 6 November 2015;
- Attempted Use of Growth Hormone on and/or after 24 November 2017;
- Possession of Growth Hormone on and/or after 24 November 2017;
- Use and/or Attempted Use of Growth Hormone on or about 4 January 2018 to on or about 8 February 2018;
- Attempted Trafficking of Growth Hormone on and/or after 4 January 2018;
- Use and/or Attempted Use of Testosterone on or about 23 May 2018; and
- Possession of Testosterone on and/or before 27 May 2018.