What do you miss most about reigning as the King of SX?
I think what I miss most is supercross in general. Being in front of the fans is pretty darn cool. I mean on a week in week out basis. Being able to win was something obviously I became accustomed to, but it’s a pretty cool feeling and you kinda take advantage of it while you’re doing it. Being able to get there and compete like that. I’m a competitive person and I miss competing, but also miss the big show. I set myself up for the way I’m living now, I miss it of course but my life with my family and kids, I wouldn’t trade it, so I’m good.
Why do you think you made such an impact on fans and became one of few to break that mainstream market?
I think I was able to be so successful because of my passion for the sport and riding a motorcycle. How I became to be such a fan favourite, is because I think I pride myself on being someone people can relate to. We all have our own opinions of our sports heroes and once I figured out I was gonna be one of those or a role model to kids and stuff like that, I just really focused on maintaining and being myself. I think that really works with people and fans. Off the motorcycle, I’m the same as everyone else.
Tell me a few of your most memorable moments from your racing days?
I’ve been so fortunate to have so many, but obviously my first supercross win in 93 at Anaheim when I passed basically all my heroes at the time was pretty neat. I won Daytona three times where people said I was never tough enough to win Daytona, that’s pretty cool. I really love the challenge when people say I can’t do something. Obviously winning the outdoor title was something else that was pretty special because that was another thing people said I couldn’t get done. I think mostly, getting to enjoy the success. A lot of people get to race in supercross, but never get the success that I had. I was just real, real lucky to make the most of the opportunity I had.

Favorite battles that really stands out?
I had a lot of battles with Jeff Emig that were really memorable. He was a great rival of mine. We sometimes didn’t see eye to eye and like each other, in fact, most of the time, but I can’t pick one in particular now. I had some battles with Kevin Windham as well and Ezra Lusk. I think I remember the wins more than I do the battles.
Are you friends with Fro (Emig) now?
Yeah, I’m friends with him now. You know, I don’t call him and he doesn’t call me, but were fine and have been for a long time. He’s changed a lot and so have I.

Did you know when you were filming for the Terrafirma series that day at Castillo Ranch that it was going to be as epic as it has been?
When we were doing that, we were just doing our thing you know? We were pretty much just lucky someone was around to film it. It’s the same with Steel Roots. I didn’t set out to make a video series, but it sort of just happened because that’s what I did all the time. So no I had no idea.
You picked the song didn’t you? Face to Face, Disconnected. They ended up being one of my favorite bands of all time from that!
Yeah, Scrappy from Fox and I used to hang out and ride BMX and that band Face to Face was pretty in at the time. Those guys are awesome.