Always make contact with a log straight-on. Any attempt to deal with a log of this size at an angle will end in tears, especially when it’s wet and slippery like this example. Try to read the surface as best you can; especially where you will apply the throttle and clutch to lift the front wheel. Misreading the amount of traction available at this point will send your front wheel straight into the log.
Attack a log like this in the standing position. Grip the bike tightly with your legs to help it stay straight and discourage the rear end of the bike from skipping sideways. Stay strong on the bike so you don’t collapse or fold down on impact with the log.
As spectacular as this looks, it’s actually the best way to deal with a log of this size. If you lift the front wheel high you can see that by the time the rear wheel hits the log and forces the front wheel to come down, the frame rails and engine cases have cleared the log. If your wheelie isn’t quite high enough, your frame rails will hit the log and most likely cause the bike to come to a stop and throw your weight forward. Once the rear wheel hits the log, you need to drive it off but be careful. The power delivery needs to be controlled and you will need to use your clutch to help that happen. If you just give it a fist full of gas it will most likely spin and send you sideways especially if the log is wet or slippery.
If you are unsure about a log and the only option is to continue, you can always pack some smaller branches or even rocks to build a bit of a ramp up and do the same on the backside of the log, too. If all else fails, get your mate to help you lift the bike over and then return the favour.