Moto Master Class is continuing its successful formula of pairing some of the greatest motocross racers with the country’s most experienced coaches.
Press Release
The two-day course curriculum is aimed at riders with racing experience and will cover a long list of skills and techniques to help you lower your lap times and improve your results.
This clinic has limited positions available with a maximum of 50 riders being accepted for the course to ensure a very personal coaching experience is delivered to each rider over the 2 days.
Michael Byrne will once again make the journey home from the US where for 2016 he has worked closely with Factory Yamaha’s Chad Reed as his riding and training coach.
“I really enjoy the Master Class courses and it is great that we are able to continue to put them together, so to be heading back again is great. I loved seeing the young riders improve during the previous courses and really hope we can see more of it. It will be great to head up to Rocky and finally bring the Moto Master Class to Central Queensland, it’s something we have looked at since the start so it’s great to make it happen.” says Byrne.
Your instructors include Michael Byrne, plus Motodevelopment Level 2 coaches Chris Urquhart and Shane Booth.
From Racer X Online’s – THE LIST
6. MICHAEL BYRNE: “Okay, if there was a list to simply place the single best rider in AMA Supercross/AMA Motocross history to somehow have never won a race, it’s Byrner. World-class indoors and outdoors, his long career was plagued by wrong-place/wrong-time scenarios, including those years when he was up against many of the very best in the sport’s history: Jeremy McGrath, Ricky Carmichael, Chad Reed, James Stewart, Ryan Villopoto, Ryan Dungey. None of those guys left a lot of wins on the table for a gamer like Byrne, and the shitty part is that we can say with absolute certainty he should have and would have won that race at Unadilla where he broke his leg and ended his career while leading by a country mile… Dang.”
This course is designed to benefit any racer of any level.
- Race starts
- Cornering
- Jumping
- How to improve your line selection
- Setting up and making a pass
- On bike training drills and motors
- Nutrition guide
- Hydration guide
- How to train to improve your results
- Q & A session with Michael Byrne
- Event pack with information of subjects covered at the course
- Prizes drawn at the event
- A souvenir pack including a replica SHIFT Michael Byrne jersey that you can have signed by Byrner himself!
Course Date:
Rockhampton Motocross Club, 16-17 July 2016
Course Cost:
$350 per rider