The new ‘World’s Fastest Man,’ Jeffrey Herlings, has suffered a foot injury which will see him struggle to make the first round of the MXGP season in good condition. But we should be calling him Sir Jeffrey Herlings now because he received the Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau, awarded in the Netherlands to people with outstanding achievements.
Herlings received the Royal decoration at the Motorsports gala of the Royal Dutch Motorcycle Federation (KNMV). The Dutch Minister of Sports, Bruno Bruins, said at the ceremony: “You’re a great champion and an inspiration to others. You’re an example of what it takes to be a true sportsman. Our king could not attend the Grand Prix in Assen but is well aware of your achievements. He’d like to honor you with this decoration.”
At the same event Jeffrey was also awarded the highest Dutch award in motorsports: the Hans de Beaufort trophy. KTM Motorsport’s Director Pit Beirer handed this to him saying: “This is for being an outstanding rider and a fighter for your country. You deserve it for being an ambassador of the sport and turning over your knowledge to young riders.”
Maybe it’s time ScoMo gave Toby Price an award of some sort?