MOTORCYCLING Australia (MA) is calling for applications from elite Australian motocross riders to join Australian team at the 2016 FIM Motocross of Nations (MXoN).
Press Release
The event is scheduled to be held in Maggiora, Italy on 25th September, 2016.
MA is a long-time proud supporter of Australia’s national teams and will be providing financial and administrative support for the team again in 2016. Applicants are advised that there will be some rider contribution to costs required in 2016.
There are three classes available for riders to nominate for: MX1, MX2 and Open. Riders are advised that they can nominate for more than one class.
Please ensure you advise below exactly the class you are entering. There is no maximum age for the MX2 class.
The Team Manager for the 2016 MXoN is Gary Benn.
More information on the event can be found at: http://www.fim-live.com/en/sport/regulations-and-documents/motocross-of-nations/
It is anticipated that the time away will be approximately 7 days, with final details still to be confirmed.
Application forms for team rider positions are available to download here, and must be returned by COB Friday 29 July, 2016.
Applications and enquiries should be addressed to:
Matthew Falvo
Motorcycling Australia
PO Box 134
South Melbourne, VIC 3205
Further information can be found on the application forms page of the MA website.